Monday, February 15, 2016

It is said that faith in people died in the past. Each of us needs to escape from the dynamic world. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and get rid of internal concerns. It is true that concerns are an unavoidable part of life, but is reduced in size, if you try to find spiritual peace. If you're wondering how to do it, my advice is to visit the monastery.

St. Vasilij helps everyone. Occupy many legends, stories and experiences that. Amazingly faithful showed faith and hope, so that's why decided to attend the temple and worship the saints. The celebration of the birth of Christ takes place in the convent, as in every Orthodox Church. Due to the high number of participants, clergy decided these days to spend in conversation with the faithful. This is the only way to keep our hope and to live in harmony and understanding.

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (1)

Image by Tomas Vanco via Flickr

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (2)

Image by Clara & amp; amp; James Dunning via Flickr

Ostrog Monastery is a spiritual sanctuary visit Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims. There people are not divided according to religion, for faith and hope brings everyone together. Orthodox Monastery of Ostrog is one of the most visited in the Balkans. When you mention Ostrog, immediately think of the place where miracles happen. Located on high rock solid part, about 50 kilometers from the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, visits to the monastery increase rapidly year after year.

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (3)

Image by Gabriele Battaglia via Flickr

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (4)

Image by David Dufresne via Flickr

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (5)

Image by David Dufresne via Flickr

The exact date when this object was build is not known. It was founded by the Herzegovinian Metropolitan Vasilije in the 17th century and he was buried there . The lower part of Ostrog is a female monastery, to live in the several nuns and the top is male. This sanctuary is quite impressive from the outside and made cleaning with prayers behind its doors. In the monastery also the cultivation of vines, whose branches of which, where couples who have no children. Ostrog Monastery has wonderful accommodations, where you can stay. From the lower to the upper monastery can walk on the sidewalk and in this way you can enjoy the view of nature.

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (6)

Image by Marco via Flickr

Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro (7)

Image by Sergey Kukota via Flickr

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