Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cancun is one of the most important landmark not only in Mexico but in the world, and its popularity is growing from year to year. Unlike anything you the opportunity to see, from location and natural environment through extremely diverse tourist offer the intertwining of traditional and contemporary beauty have had, sounds, colors, smells and tastes. Annually visited by about three million people

The most famous beaches are :. Dolphin Beach, the whales, Chuck Beach Mall, Karakol in the East, known for its big waves, ideal for water sports. Most Popular beaces the north are: beach turtle, lobster, beautiful beach and the beach of pearls

northeast of the resort, about 20 minutes by boat, lies Isla muheres (Island of Women) - a big one. Hotel Zone.

In Cancun, in the center of the resort is the aquarium where you can swim with dolphins and watch their stunts can. Fans of horse riding can rent horses for riding on the beach and jungle while divers to try diving in underwater caves that
abound in this region.

This is of course the nightlife is an integral disconnect here, the actual tourist spectacle that completely dissolve in nightclubs and discos. Here you can hear the fun never to dance on the tables and bars. , Below you can see amazing photos of Cancun that gonna make you spent your summer vacation to see

 Cancun (1)

Image by via Flickr Dysanovic

Cancun ( 2)

Picture of Tamer B Shabaneh via Flickr

 Cancun (3)

Image by Dan Zelazo via Flickr

 Cancun (4)

Image by via Flickr jeff91764

 Cancun (5)

Image by Jeremy T. Hetzel via Flickr

 Cancun (6)

Picture of BORIS G via Flickr

Cancun (7)

Image by Neil Cornwall via Flickr

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