Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hundreds of years ago, the small houses in the village Juzkar, near Malaga in the Spanish province of Andalusia were whitewashed, and there was nothing particularly remarkable about this Spanish village with about 220 inhabitants and an area of ​​33 square kilometers. Place year was attended by only a few hundred tourists, today is one of the main attractions of the Spanish and all thanks to the great "renovation" that this village was in 2011. It is experienced.

In fact, until two years ago, this place was usually village where villagers lived a normal, ordinary life without larger visit of tourists, but today they even have to live on tourism, and all thanks to the producers of "Sony Pictures" studio it is.

So in 2011, the producers began looking village in Andalusia, whose white houses would be painted blue, and the choice fell exactly at this wonderful place.

First, the residents were skeptical, but convinces marketing professionals believe that this is just a promotional stunt for the premiere of the film "The Smurfs" and they make this village can be picked out from the rest.

Guests can also enjoy a walk through the blue fairy tale village Smurfs!

 Juzcar (4)

Image by manuelfloresv via Flickr

Juzcar (2)

Image by manuelfloresv via Flickr

 Juzcar Smurfs (3)

Image by manuelfloresv via Flickr

And so, in 2011, after the vote of the people and the promise that after the premiere of their houses again original color will be restored, then turned snow-white houses blue sky as simple impressed in houses. When spraying the houses more than 4,000 liters of blue paint and Juzkar village were used to village Smurfs. After transformation, everything that happens in this village had connections with Smurfs.

 Juzcar (5)

Image by manuelfloresv via Flickr

 Juzcar Smurfs (1)

Image by CEDER Ronda via Flickr

 Juzcar (6)

Image by Landahlauts via Flickr

 Juzcar (7)

Image of Landahlauts via Flickr

"Fever" went so far as even local church perceived characteristics of the Smurfs, they are preparing even small weddings etc. blue weddings. That is usually the village, then turned into a real world and a unique attraction.

So the decision was made today, the village Juzkar remains attracts large number of tourists from all over the world as the world's only attraction, and according to the latest information from the preceding hundred tourists a year, today the village come Smurfs and more than 80,000 visitors!

 Juzcar (8)

Image by via Flickr Landahlauts

Image by via Flickr Nukamari

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