Saturday, April 2, 2016

With Valentine's Day (or "La Festa degli Innamorati") just around the corner, where better wipe your loved one to Rome? There is something about the city that makes it undeniably romantic.

The target expert of OMNIA Vatican and Rome, which are Sightseeing Pass for the top attractions in the city have been on a mission, the most romantic places in the area to discover the city of Rome.

Rome_credits_Jody Sticca

Contacts © Jody Sticca

Maybe it's the fact that Rome is such a sensual experience. Breathtaking scenery, tempting food and the sound of Italian, which, as we all know, is the original language of love. And it is no secret that the light in Rome is magical. The glittery glow of streetlights on cobblestones, the sun setting behind the ancient temples of the Forum, candles on red checkered tablecloths lit the faces of the blue-eyed couples. If you quite a want to experience special Valentine's Day, here's a list of classic and hidden squares perfect for wooing your loved one:

The Roman Forum (and the Temple of Venus and Roma)

The historic ruins of the Forum are a must when in Rome. Among them is the temple of Roma and Amor, thought to have been the largest of the ancient temples of Rome and perhaps the most glorious. Not only that, but it's also the perfect symbol of love in the Eternal City. Why? Half of the temple was built in honor of Venus, the goddess of love, while the other half was dedicated to the city of Rome itself :. The ultimate combination

Address: entrance from the Piazza del Colosseo
opening times :. Every day from 8.30 to 1 hour before sunset

Roman Forum_credits_Martin Fish

Imprint © Martin Fish

The Aventine Keyhole and orange Gardens

A a short walk from Circus Maximus, you will find one of Rome Aventino :. "seven hills" Most importantly, it is the one that has a hidden surprise for those who know where to look it stops at the top of the hill, overlooking through the unsuspecting. brass keyhole in the door of the Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta (Priory of the Knights of Malta). You will see a picture-perfect view of St. Peter's Basilica, framed by a series of vined arches. Right next door is "Il Giardino degli Aranci "or the orange gardens, the perfect place for a romantic walk in the afternoon to go take the scent of the orange trees and the magnificent views over the River Tiber

Address ..: Via di Santa Sabina
opening times: Daily, from sunrise to sunset

Un jardinier passe devant la Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano (Basilique Saint-Pierre), visible à travers un trou de serrure du Portail de la Villa del Priorato di Malta (Villa du Prieuré de Malte).

Contacts © Nicolas Grevet

Aventine keyhole_credits_Paula Soler-Moya

Contacts © Paula Soler-Moya

Appia Antica

If you want to to obtain from the hustle and bustle of the center, a picnic for two and press the (2000 years old) street. That is, take your partner on a bicycle tour of the ancient Appia Antica, the first road that led to Rome. 16km stretch of cobblestones is ancient by greenery past ruins, villas, catacombs, the Caffarella Valley and the remains of Roman aqueducts is surrounded just behind Porta di San Sebastiano, and brings you. A good place to start your journey is about to begin, where you can rent bicycles

Information Point & amp; bicycle hire Address: Via Appia Antica, 58
opening times: Mon - Sat 9:30 to 1:00 & amp. ; amp; 14.00 until 05.30 clock, 17.30 clock until 9.30 To

Appia Antica_credits_Fabiana

Credit © Fabiana

Spanish Steps and the Keats and Shelley House

Another must-see attraction is often littered with cuddling couples the Spanish Steps. Located in the famous and picturesque Piazza di Spagna, it offers a place to sit down and share an ice cream - or to the top and look out over the rooftops of the old town. If you feel overwhelmed by the crowds, take refuge in the Keats and Shelley House, a stone's throw away. This small museum is the English Romantic poets who fell in love with Roma dedicated

Address :. Keats and Shelley House: Piazza di Spagna, 26
opening times: Mon - Sat 10:00 to 1:00 a.m. & amp; amp; From 14:00 to 18.00 clock, Closed Sun

Spanish Steps_credits_Paolo Margari

Contacts © Paolo Margari

The Janiculum

The climb to the top of the Janiculum is a little steep, but worth it for one of the most beautiful panoramas in Rome. There are . several viewpoints along the way, beginning with the incredible Fontana Paola close Also known as "Il Fontanone" (literally: "the big fountain"), local people it was built by Pope Paul V in order to provide water to the residents. also used to bathe here, and even if it is such a seductive nude bathing like body appear, bathing in the fountain now (unfortunately) strictly forbidden

Address:. Via del Gianicolo

Gianicolo hill_credits_Sergio Battista

Contacts © Sergio Battista

Monte Mario and" The Path of Lovers "

Cherish still an expansive view of the city from the top of another fabled hills, the Monte Mario, the highest in Rome. This view is also known as "the way of the lovers", no doubt because of all the lovebirds to publicize the romantic pilgrimage to this place. This is also home to the Monte Mario observatory, and therefore an excellent place for stargazing with your sweetheart

. Address: Riserva Naturale di Monte Mario
Opening times: from sunrise to sunset

Monte Mario

Castel Sant'Angelo and the Tiber River at night

With moonlit, narrow streets and beauty at every turn, Rome is unrivaled, when it comes to nocturnal walks. One of the best night walks along the Tiber. You can stroll hand in hand on the edge of the river itself, or the above-mentioned streets. Start from the famous "Mouth of Truth" (Mouth of Truth) and follow the river bank until the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge. Look over the river and you will be able to at the magnificent, illuminated structure, Castel Sant'Angelo is look up (built by Hadrian and since as a fortress and papal residence used).

Castel Sant'Angelo and the Tiber at night_credits_jac opo

caster, castle and Tiber at night_credits_Giuseppe Moscato

Contacts © Giuseppe Moscato

The Trevi Fountain

Anyone who knows that the famous scene be familiar from assigned "La Dolce Vita" with the iconic romance with the Trevi Fountain. Although there is no denying that it's usually full of tourists throw coins into the water, it's still one of the most seminal and beautiful fountains of Rome. It is worth mentioning that the well is currently being restored, so that there is no water and it is covered in scaffolding. However, the fountain is still visible and there is a footbridge over it, so you can go facade near the fountain. If you have enough to lose a few hours sleep, motivated to try before 06.00 clock coming. This is when the place is at its quietest and you can create a magical, undisturbed moment before Bernini's masterpiece share

. Address: Piazza di Trevi

Trevi Fountain_credits_Evan Blaser

Contacts © Evan Blaser

Trevi Fountain_credits_Marko

Contacts © Marko

The Pantheon

The Pantheon is the best preserved and probably the most impressive building dating back to ancient Rome. Bring your love here to marvel at the enormous structure of the cobbled piazza outside, or admire the incredible interior, especially the famous rotunda and oculus :. A reminder of the beauty of the cosmos

Address: Piazza della Rotonda
opening times: 8.30 until 07.30 clock

The Pantheon_credits_lank14

Contacts © lank14

The Pantheon, Rome

The Colloseum

Although it may seem like the most obvious suggestion seem a trip to Rome would not be be the same without a kiss in front of the Colosseum. The legend says that when the Colloseum collapses, civilization itself will crumble. As the name suggests, colossal and literally the center of Rome it is. If you're not going to plan the inside, why not come here at night, when the place is more or less abandoned and the beautiful old arches are illuminated

Address: Piazza del Colosseo
opening times :. of 8.30 until 06.15 clock

Colossseo_credits_Trey Ratcliff

Contacts © Trey Ratcliff

The Colloseum_credits_Stephanie Kraus

Contacts © Stephanie Kraus

Of course, would not Rome Rome make without its delicious cuisine for sure. , you and your partner to make the most of your stay, here are a few tips to pamper your taste buds:

Sweet treats at Confetteria Moriondo & amp; is Gariglio

It; amp a known fact that chocolate an aphrodisiac Well, a short walk from the Pantheon, you Confetteria Moriondo & amp; amp find ;. Gariglio, a celestial artisan chocolaterie the Roman poet Trilussa even wrote sonnets to his love for this little shop in the expression bring the heart of Rome Well, that's amore

Address: Via del Marmo di Piè, 21/22
opening times :. Mon - Sun,.. 9:00 to 7:30 pm

Chocolate_credits_Michael Patrick

Contacts © Michael Patrick

Wine Il Goccetto

One of the first wine shops in Rome, this charming little estate is located directly at the Campo dei Fiori in the city center. With its large selection of Italian wines and local, friendly atmosphere, it is a great place to charm your sweetheart on some cheese and wine

. Address: Via dei Banchi Vecchi, 14
opening times: 11.30 until 02.30 Mousepad by clock, Tue - Sat from 8.30 until 00.30 clock, Closed Sun

Wine in Il Goccetto_credits_nyccaribbean ragazza

Contacts © nyccaribbean ragazza


Contacts © Steve Driskell

Dinner at Il Margutta

Only a few minutes from the noisy crowds in the Piazza del Popolo is one of the most beautiful streets of Rome: Via Margutta. This quiet, narrow street is decorated with ivy and dotted with galleries. Dine with your favorite at the huge vegetarian restaurant-come-art gallery at the end of the street. The restaurant Il Margutta is perfect for lunch or dinner. The atmosphere is elegant and intimate, while the food is fresh and innovative

Address: Via Margutta, 118
opening times :. Mon - Sun 12.30 clock - 3.00 & amp; amp; 19.00 until 11.30 clock

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