Pamukkale translated from Turkish as "Cotton Castle", and it really looks like a huge bright white cotton candy castle overlooking a cool and calcium-rich mineral pools. Pamukkale is located in western Turkey and it is about 3 hours drive (East) from Izmir. Pamukkale is a very popular tourist destination in Turkey, for the healing properties is known of it drives the spring thermal water, the big white hill. In the 1960s were built many hotels in the immediate vicinity of Pamukkale natural sources and used to fill its unique mineral artificial basin, after some time it was to understand that the hotels are a real threat to this amazing place and the hotel buildings were demolished and cleared, later -. Hotels were built farther away and are not entitled to the natural springs waters longer use
Nowadays, most of the terraces are taboo for visitors (showing the photo below by Ismet11 , as it used to) only small pools for swimming, to allow to maintain the existing state of the pools, and yet it is still defiantly worth the trip. Pamukkale thermal baths are close to several Roman sights of interest. (as the old spa town of Hierapolis) The entrance fee is about 30 Turkish lira (about $ 11) - do not forget a towel ... Recomended hotels in Pamukkale & amp; gt; & amp; gt;
For more information visit Wikipedia - Pamukkale
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Pamukkale, Turkey
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By Patrick-Emil Zörner (paddy) Paddy 14:40 17 August 2005 (UTC) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.0 en], via Wikimedia Commons
Pamukkale, Turkey
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