"Awaji Yumebutai" (or in English - "Stage of Dreams") is a complex arrangement of buildings and other areas on Awaji in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Awaji Hyakudanen was built as a monument of. Fill the Great Hanshin Earthquake (1995) on the side of a mountain, half had taken off in the early 90s for use as the sea during the construction phase to artificial islands in Osaka Bay (one of them is the Kansai International Airport) to build. One of the gardens of Awaji Yumebutai is the 100-level garden "(or in Japanese - hyakudan'en), the garden consists of 100 squares of rows smaller gardens
For more information visit Wikipedia. - . Awaji Yumebutai Or visit the post with Jeffrey Friedl Blog
Enlarge map Awaji Hyakudanen , Japan
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Awaji Hyakudanen 100 rows Garden Squares
Awaji Hyakudanen 100 rows Garden Squares
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Awaji Hyakudanen 100 rows Garden Squares
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