The Devil's Mountain (Or - "Devil's Mountain" in German ) is a hill is in Berlin, Germany. Added Teufelsberg is an abandoned World War 2 US Spy Station (some clame , a part of the be NSA listening station ). At that time the building and huge domes were (looks a bit like giant golf balls) for listening and intercepting radio signals used. Today, however, the buildings remain standing, but still down significantly. What makes the place is so unique that graffiti artists have covered every angle with beautiful artwork. Those who visit the website can either sneak in, or (unfortunately), sometimes a group of people who claim to "own" the web site will be available at the entrance gate and charge an admission fee. Regardless of how you in the history and the eeriness, combined with the modern graffiti art, which is symbolic of the Berlin culture, really create a unique urban exploration experience. There are many amazing abandoned sites in the world, but ! This place is certainly not attract a lot of
Thanks Jessica Devnani of - for shooting & amp; amp; , Submission of photos to our email
For more information visit Wikipedia - Devil
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