Monday, January 4, 2016

Zion National Park is located in the southwestern United States, not far from Springdale, Utah located.
Zion Canyon is the biggest attraction of Zion Park and the Canyon is about 24 kilometers long and 800 meters deep.
Zion Canyon is calculated by dividing the Canyon ruin curving through reddish and tan-colored Navajo Sandstone and the North Fork of the Virgin River.
Zion National Park offers a great abundance of hiking trails, waterfalls and mountain climbing areas

For more information visit Wikipedia Zion National Park

Next Photo Credit :. Art landscape photography by Dennis Krukover (Dark Eclipse Studios)

 Zion National Park, Utah, USA

Zion National Park, Utah, USA

Next photo of Diliff (David Iliff license :. CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Zion Canyon Angels Landing View

Zion Canyon Angels Landing View

Next 2 photos of Tobi87

Zion Canyon National Park Utah

Zion Canyon National Park Utah

 Zion Canyon National Park Utah

Zion Canyon National Park Utah

Next photo of Ron Harper

Zion Park Waterfall

Zion Park Waterfall

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